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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is government funding which aims to support vulnerable pupils in making good progress and succeeding alongside their peers. Pupil Premium funding is determined by:

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Ensuring that funding to  tackle disadvantage  reaches the pupils who  need it most. 

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  • The number of children who are registered for Free School Meals (different to universal free school meals). This includes children of families who have received these benefits anytime within the last 6 years.

  • The number of children who are classed as 'Looked after Children'

  • The number of children with parents in the Armed Forces

How we spend the money

The funding that is received by the school annually is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil attainment and help overcome any barriers to learning. The funding is used to:


  • Invest in training to continually improve the quality of teaching at the school

  • Pay for support staff to cater for children’s educational and social / emotional needs

  • Fund initiatives and one to one support for individual children run by Teaching Assistants, Teachers and Deputy Head Teachers

  • Widen children’s experiences by paying for music lessons and enrichment activities

  • Paying for some uniform,  equipment and support with payment for school trips


A full breakdown of how our funding is used can be seen in our Pupil Premium Strategy.


If you think your child may be eligible for the pupil premium grant please do speak to us. We really can use the funding to support your child in school. If you are in receipt of Income Support or Income-Based (not Contribution-Based) Job Seeker’s Allowance; Income-Related Employment & Support Allowance (not Contribution-Based); or receive Child Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income, as assessed by Inland Revenue, that does not exceed £16,190, you are entitled to apply for Free School Meals. Families who also claim Working Tax Credit are NOT eligible to claim free school meals regardless of income. If your child does not wish to have school dinners, please still apply for the grant as you will be entitled to help with other school payments.


More information can be found on the link below:


Applying for Pupil Premium Grant


Pupil Premium Report 2022


Pupil Premium Report 2021


Pupil Premium Report 2020


Pupil Premium Strategy 2020-21


Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-22


Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23

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